
 旧 湾曲していく日常



四川大地震自衛隊機派遣見送り 「成果」焦った?日本











有力紙「インターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューンInternational Herald Tribune)」は「自衛隊機によるテントなどの救援物資の輸送は、日本政府の説明とは裏腹に、日本側からの提案だった」「日本政府が民間チャーター機での救援物資輸送に切り替えたのは、自衛隊機の派遣を中国側に受け入れられなかったからだ」と報じた。



パキスタン地震の折にも自衛隊機は来て下さったが、それは、「海外派兵の実績を作りたいとする」日本政府の勇み足であった。 パキスタン政府が要請もしていないのに早々とやって来たものだから、空自はヘリコプター基地では隅に追いやられ、不遇を???かこった。
だからロクなオペレーションにも参加させてもらえず、自衛隊が運んだ物資は31トンきり。アメリカの運んだ物資は3600トン。自衛隊が負傷した被災者を運んだのは2桁にも行かなかった(たぶん2人きりではなかったか?) 日本から遠路はるばるC130に小型ヘリコプターを分解して運んで来て下さって、その組み立てに要した人員約150人。組み立て日数3日。約2ヶ月余りの滞在経費。何億円という支援金は無駄に使われたと、オバハンは思っている。


Japan backtracks on using military aircraft to send aid to China

By Howard W. French
Published: May 30, 2008

SHANGHAI: Japan said Friday that it had withdrawn an offer to send tents and other material to China by military aircraft and would dispatch it by civil planes instead.

Japanese officials said the abrupt shift came about in deference to Chinese sensitivities to strong lingering resentment of Japan because of that country's invasion of China in the 1930s. A military airlift would have marked the first mission by Japan's Self-Defense Forces to China since the end of World War II.

"Currently, we have no plan to use aircraft of the Self-Defense Force," Nobutaka Machimure, the chief cabinet secretary, told reporters in Tokyo. "This is not something that should be done if it creates friction."

"The country has different memories of Japan than it does of other nations," Defense Minister Shigeru Ishiba said in separate remarks to the press. "We have to continue making every effort in an honest way to establish firm relations of trust."

Word of discussions on military aid between the two countries was first reported in Tokyo on Wednesday, when Japanese officials said they had received a request for airlifted assistance from China and were preparing to respond.

The Japanese officials said that the Chinese request had not been detailed, but China's greatest need was presumed to be for tents and other emergency shelter materials.

In speaking publicly of the talks on aid between the two countries for the first time, Chinese officials would not say whether Beijing had requested a Japanese airlift or whether the offer had come from Japan.

"If the Japanese Self-Defense Forces are ready to provide assistance, then the specifics will be discussed by the two countries' defense departments," a Foreign Ministry spokesman, Qin Gang, said in a briefing Thursday, before the Japanese offer was modified.

The diplomatic wording appeared to reflect official Chinese concern over widespread animosity toward Japan. Reports of the possible military airlift prompted swift criticism among many online commentators in China.

Relations between the two countries were particularly strained earlier this decade when Japan was led by Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.

Koizumi made a frequent practice of visiting Yakusuni, a controversial shrine to Japan's war dead which holds the remains of prominent convicted war criminals. Relations have rebounded under the current prime minister, Yasuo Fukuda.
